Good morning family.. Hope this message finds you in good health.
In my search for reasons why individuals, families, schools, companies, employees, name it perform better than others; i have found reasons why which have been researched and tested in the book called ” HIGH PERFORMANCE HABITS – How extraordinary people become that way…written by BRENDON BURCHARD.
If you are like me by trying to do what you do best, then get a pen and notebook and write these High performance habits where anyone can train himself or herself in these High Performance Habits( HPH and become successful beyond natural and sustain it for a long term:
Seek clarity on what we want to be, clear on our direction, clear in who we are, clear on what the end outcomes are that we are after, clear on our why, clear on our purpose, clear on how to interact with others, and clear on our purpose and clear on what will bring us the greatest meaning in life.
We should have to set clear long term goals first, then break them into mid- term and short-time and ultimately scoring into the long term goals. You have to THINK BIG.
Generate energy so that we can maintain focus, effort, and well- being.
To keep up with our objective in life, we need to actively care for our mental stamina, physical energy, and positive emotions ( hisia chanya) otherwise mid- way we can be tired, burnt out and discouraged and finally abandon our goals.
As a medical doctor, one way we can generate energy physically, is to check on our diet– be mindful of our Body Mass Index( BMI) i.e recommended weight for your height that is healthy if you are above 18 yrs ie Adult; do regular physical exercises and sweat; do meditation, drink water daily ( in Litres) according to our weight ( weight in Kg × 40 MLS and divide by 1000) . In addition, we have to get enough time to sleep in order for our brain to recharge and repair itself which takes 5 cycles of 90 minutes( 7 1/2 hours) long for the cerebral spinal fluid to cleanse and repair our brain and we wake up in the morning are strong and energetic according to the neuro science of what happens when we sleep.
Raise the necessity for the exceptional performance. This measures the level of emotional commitment you feel to showing up each day as your best. It’s your level of MUST in improving your life and serving others with excellence.
You should always have strong reasons WHY you have set your goals in life to achieve or accomplish in order to absolutely perform well.
These strong reasons ( sababu kubwa) will motivate you to daily perform on you goals for progress ( kusonga mbele) come rains come shine( Haijalishi chochote kile).
The stronger the reasons( WHY) , the more motivation ( Motisha) you will get!
Increase productivity in your primary field of interest .
There is a 80/20 rule whereby 20℅ of the activities you do daily yield 80℅ production or income or profits and 80℅ activities yielding only 20℅ production or income or profits.
This is true in all fields: 20% of the students cause 80℅ of the good performance in schools; 20℅ of the Drivers cause 80℅ of all the traffic accidents; 20℅ of employees make 80℅ of the company productivity; 20℅ of clients account for the 80℅ company’s income or profits. The reverse also has been found true through research.
This means that in your primary field of interest, make an evaluation of what you do daily and sort out those 20℅ activities that create 80℅ production/profits and those less or non-productive activities delegate or delete them completely.
In life we have to learn the rule of DECISION MAKING ( KUAMUA) in accordance to your goals:
• If something is urgent and important= do it yourself( Fanya wewe mwenyewe)
• If something is urgent but not important = deligate ( mpe mwingine) .
• If something is important but not urgent= take time and decide when to do it/ postpone to another time( Ghairisha)
• If something is neither urgent nor important= delete it ( Futa) .
Using this method of decision taking, you will minimise destructions and be more productive at the end of the day’s work than being busy and tired the whole day but not being productive and even lose focus at your goals in life.
This area of your life is EVERYTHING
Develop influence with those around you. It will make you better at making people to believe in us, support our efforts and ambitions, buy from us, or take the actions we suggest.
This will make people to be employed in our companies, business venture, make our planning meetings meaningful and tell others about our products and service we offer in order to serve at our best.
Demonstrate courage by expressing your real ideas and feelings, taking bold action every day, and standing up for yourself and others, even in the face of fear, uncertainty, threat or changing conditions.
Courage is not an occasional act, but a trait of choice and will.
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- Heallth Care